Friday, May 9, 2008

A long week

Has it seemed like a really long week to anyone else? We didn't do much, just the same old. Here is one of my favorite pictures of Olivia. How cute is that smile?
Grace and Jed were playing "Belle and Gaston" Some how Sleeping Beauty is Belle and the stop sign for the train tracks is Gaston. Funny Kids!
I finally got around to putting up my letters from my sister, I think it turned out cute. Thanks SueAnnie!


Steph and KO said...

Yes this week has been unusually long. I guess we're just anticipating Mother's Day! Have a good one!

SueAnn said...

The sign looks great!! My favorite part about Olivia's smile is the huge amount of drool coming out with it!!
I understand completely!!
Happy Mother's Day!

Ryan 'n' Joy said...
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Ryan 'n' Joy said...

that sign is so cute and so is Olivia - Ari and Olivia will make such a cute couple some day!:)