Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sweet Little Shepherd

For Christmas, Jed's preschool put on a Nativity for the parents. The kids all had costumes and sang cute little songs. Jed played a shepherd. They were singing a song about giving gifts to Jesus, so he is sticking his hands out to give gifts.
After the show. He was so happy Chris and I could both watch him. He kept waving to us from the stage.

Costume shot. When the show ended, all the parents were clapping. Jed had the BIGGEST smile ever on his face, as if everyone was there and clapping for him. Love this little boy. There is a visit with Santa and some Joseph beards coming soon, stay tuned!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Conversations with Jed

On the way home from preschool

J: God and Bumblebee are magic.
Me: Hmmm, I think maybe Heavenly Father is powerful.
J: No, no, army guys are powerful because the have whoopins. God is magic.
Me: I think maybe heavenly Father is more powerful than all of them, even Bumblebee. He created Bumblebee, so he is stronger.
J: Bumblebee is magic too.

Jed and Chris were playing about a week ago. Jed ended up kneeing Chris in the unmentionables. As Chris was trying to recover, Grace started in on him. He told Grace she had to wait a minute. Jed looks at her and says "I broke him!"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Fun

Last night we decorated the tree and made a ginger bread house. Thankfully a wonderful lady from our ward gave us a kit and all we had to do was decorate, so it went well. The kids all decorated a side and ate some stray candy. While the icing was drying we decorated the tree. I set it up and put lights on it earlier in the day, so all we needed was ornaments. The kids were SO happy to help. All they needed from time to time was a lift from daddy.
Our cool hats from Melyssa for Thanksgiving. It was quiet and calm and wonderful.
Jed told me he was going to be a pilgrim when he grows up. Better than nothing I suppose.