Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Since I still don't have my camera, I thought I would just do an update on us all.

Chris: Working lots of hours. He is enjoying his job, but it is a lot of work. He is also training for Ironman Florida in November, so he is swimming, biking and running a lot. Late to bed and early to rise. Hopefully the heat will not be as bad soon, but I think it will last until the race is over.

Kate: Doing the same as always. I am still trying to organize this house and garage to my liking. I now have an official permanent place for my sewing machine, so I am looking forward to sewing something!

Grace: 5 1/2 years, 42 inches, 35? pounds. She is funny and is always trying to make someone laugh. Has learned how to swim under water and have the waves push her toward the front. She also loves the water slide and will go down it alone until I make her stop. Will start kindergarten in 2 weeks, and is so excited. Loves to draw and make people cards. I get at least one a day.

Jed: Almost 4(in 2 weeks), 38 inches, 30 pounds. He is a funny boy and knows it. Tells Grace stories every night while lying in bed. Loves Transformers, Star Wars, and pirates. He is excited to start preschool in 2 weeks, and take cupcakes to his class on his birthday. He loves to talk and play make believe.

Olivia: nearly 22 months, 22 pounds, and won't sit still long enough to be measured. She is a firecracker and sassy. Loves babies and rocking and cuddling them. She also loves to bother Grace and Jed. Her favorite word is no, and she requests apples and cheese on a daily basis. Loves the water and slides. She may possibly be the death of me.


Cindy said...

I LOVE it! That 3rd child...they are something else!

And there aren't tons of bugs anymore, but we also wore plenty of bug spray. This week it has been mid 80s and wonderful!

Dalton Family said...

Love this update!

Ok, so what are you planning on sewing? You are so crafty!