Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Twice in One Week!

I am trying to make an effort to update this blog again on a regular basis. We will see how it goes. Last week, a good family from church offered us a piano they had, since they were getting a new one. We have been looking for one, as we want the kids to play, so we snatched it right up. It is older, but to my very musically challenged ear it sounds good. As you can tell by the decorations, the kids love it as well. Now we have to get someone to teach them. As something to do to keep the kids busy and cool, I gave them baggies of marsh mellows and some cups, and told them to throw the marsh mellows in the cups. Little did I know the fun that would be had. Olivia went around eating all the marsh mellows that missed, so we moved on to Rotini noodles, which broke in half if they hit the floor. Even if sweeping had to be done, it was a good time.
Jed decided he could make it in the cup if he were a little closer.


Kristin said...

Love the updates!! Are you coming home soon??! Miss you!

Cindy said...

Funny! You win mom of the year!