It has rained here for a week, again!, and the kids were house crazy, so we took them to WaterWorld today. It is the city's pool that we have passes to. There is a wave pool, a couple slides, and a kiddie area. It was sprinkling when we got there, but thought it was worth it. We are going to get wet anyway, right? The weather turned better, and the kids had a blast. It was good to get all the energy out of them. It has only been open weekends so far this season, but as of Friday it is open everyday, that is my summer for you!
Grace putting her head in the water
Olivia on a float type thing in the kid pool. It is only a foot deep, so I don;t have to worry too much. She likes to lay there and have someone spin her around. If you don't do it right away, she yells "GO!" at you.
Grace and Jed wading in the wave pool. They are standing at about the 2 foot mark. There are no waves running in the picture, but they can get pretty violent. Grace loves when the waves come, Jed is a little more cautious.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I feel like I have not posted anything important for the last few weeks, but there is nothing to report, so you all get the mundane stuff of our life. The kids are still loving our house, and spend hours in the morning playing and begging to stay in their pajamas a little bit longer.
Here is Olivia playing with the baby. She has grown attached to several babies and pushes them in the stroller and put them in the laundry basket(their bed). She even likes to get in the basket to sleep with them. She is getting more personality and attitude everyday. Yesterday she shot her spiderwebs at Jed. I guess we have played a lot of Spiderman in front of her!
Jed and Grace at the train table. Lots of hours are spent here with trains, cars, Lego's and princesses. Who knew the possibilities?
Olivia the pirate. She brought me the bandanna and the slippers. I think the is taking cues from her cousin Megan!
As a side note, the other day, I was doing Grace's hair and she told me that some people do not have hair on their head. I said she was right, and we talked about how they are born with hair, but as they get older it falls out. We talked about her old primary teacher and how he was bald, and the she looked at me and said "Does Uncle Rob have hair?" My poor 32(?) year older brother is slowly losing it, but apparently it was more obvious to Grace than I thought!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Random Things
Another week past, and I still feel like I am playing catch up with everything. We had a wonderful weekend of swimming and unpacking. There were requests of more house pictures, so here they are. This is our eating area. The french door open onto a patio, and they both open, so it is a huge opening. It was nice when furniture was being moved in!
Looking from the table into the living room. I am still working on the placement of things, and furniture, so it is always changing, but this is the general idea. I want to paint, Chris says leave it red and move this furniture to the other empty half of the house, and get new stuff in here. We will see, all in due time!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
We have had an eventful past week with the move and Chris being gone for work, so I am now just catching up. We are now in the house and are thrilled with the space. We are still working on getting everything in the right place, but are very excited. The kids have a play room(below) that is doubling as a guestroom(so come visit!) that is a life saver. At night I just shut the door and we are good. No clean up necessary.
Grace and Jed are again sharing a room.
Olivia has her own room. She thinks she is hot stuff now because she can open doors. We have the door handles that you just pull down, so I pretty much hate them. She goes into the bathroom and gets the stool, and then takes it to all the rooms and turns the lights on. What a helper.
Otherwise we are doing well. One funny story, the other night we were getting ready for bed, and Jed had just put his pajama bottoms on. He had no shirt on and he looks at me and says "Look, I am a Lamanite!" Confused, I asked why he was a Lamanite, and he said it was because he had not shirt on. In the pictures they don't wear shirts, so it makes sense in the 3 year old mind!
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