Thursday, October 2, 2008


They are here!!! My counters were installed yesterday, so I have now had a full day with a real kitchen. I am very excited, and I think they look fantastic. This is kind of a close up so you can see what they look like, mainly just me being overly excited!
On a side note, someone came to look at the house yesterday and were here forever, I mean, over an hour! They told the agent it was between ours and another house, so we are just waiting. I think they are going to bring their parents back to take a look too, so lets hope it works out, and I can finally be with my hubby!


Cindy said...

Good luck, that would be awesome!

Ryan 'n' Joy said...

yeah they are awesome looking - that would be so great if they bought your house... I miss you so much California and Georgia should be closer - don't you think

Steph and KO said...

Gorgeous kitchen! It really looks great, too bad you have to leave it. But being together is much more important. Good luck with the sale!

SueAnn said...

They look great!!! Hope all works out with the house!!


Thanks for coming over! Your family is so cute! You have to check out my blog for some John and Gracie pics....LOVE them! and they are dang funny!! Take care and I will be in touch soon about the pics!