Saturday, April 25, 2009

Swimming (in April!)

A few days ago, the kids and I were walking/riding our bikes around the parking lot at the apartment. We decided we wanted to put our feet in the pool water. It turned out the water was pretty warm, so yesterday we went swimming. The kids had a blast, and were really good about listening and being careful. Olivia shaking like a dog.
Grace shaking like a dog.
Jed shaking like a dog.

Grace jumping in. It only came up to her armpits.

Just being cute!
Too bad we are moving in 3 days, so no more pool, but we did buy a pass to the city pool, so we will get all the swimming we want!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Pictures

The kids had a wonderful Easter. The bunny brought simple baskets, but totally scored with them. Who know the dollar bins could be so fun. This is the best picture I could get of the three of them. Of course Olivia did not want to cooperate. Once again, Olivia did not want to stand still, so here she is running away from me.
Jed being super fly with his hands in his pockets and handsome boy shirt on. He loved his new shoes and belt!
Grace is the prettiest 5 year old ever. She loved her pretty dress and how it looked when she twirled. I can't believe how big they are all getting.
A big shout out and thank you to Grandma for all the Easter outfits. They were perfect!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Today was our ward's Easter Egg hunt and the kids were so excited to get there. I am in primary, so I had to be there early to set up, so they were tortured and had to wait a bit until all the eggs were sorted and hidden for 3 different age groups. Chris went with Grace and Jed while I stayed with Olivia in the nursery age group. Olivia didn't understand at first, but once we started, she was all about it. I had to take her to the side and let her have her basket once she reached her limit. No pictures since Chris had the camera.
I do have a picture of her fully enjoying her ice cream and strawberries we had for dessert the other night. This way of eating it is much more efficient.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fun for all (except Olivia)

On Monday as I was putting all the stuff away from our Georgia weekend, the kids found the empty suitcase. They decided they were going to play in it and go to "Timbuktu". Grace would lock Jed in and fully zip it, and then try to tip it up or over and go on a trip. It was fun that lasted for hours. This is Grace taking her turn. Jed isn't quite as strong, but she had some short trips to Timbuktu. Also, her hair would get caught in the zipper. Jed was actually very nice and tried to be careful.
Olivia thought she wanted a turn, but as it was being zipped, she thought different. Here she is getting our as fast as she can while screaming!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We are going to Georgia to do some more work on the house this weekend, hopefully a few minor improvements will make it sell (as well as praying a lot!) It has now been raining for a week straight, and my kids are going crazy. We have little room here, so we are anxious to get to a new place.
Like this one. We are buying this house when ours sells and are renting it until that happens. We are moving in the end of this month and are very excited. It has over 2 times the space. I think our family relations will improve with the ability to spread out a little. Perhaps less fighting between little ones?