My baby is one, it is hard for me to believe. She had a thrilling night of left overs, but what does she know.
3 months
Her fake sad face. It is all an act. She actually smiles at another person when she is done with this routine.
She is such a funny baby, and her brother and sisters LOVE her. She can hardly get a moments peace from them. Some of her favorite things are:
rubbing any piece of clothing on her head
cup of milk
my purse and wallet
the bathroom, especially anything related to the toilet and toilet paper
She has the least amount of hair at this age for any of the kids, but perhaps the most attitude, which is saying a lot if you know Olivia.
We love this little girl, she makes our family complete.
rubbing any piece of clothing on her head
cup of milk
my purse and wallet
the bathroom, especially anything related to the toilet and toilet paper
She has the least amount of hair at this age for any of the kids, but perhaps the most attitude, which is saying a lot if you know Olivia.
We love this little girl, she makes our family complete.
I remember the first bath, I was there. Is she really 1 already? Time sure fly's!! We will be there soon.
Crazy she is one! Cute as ever though! Hope to see you soon! :)
Oh she's cute cute cute. Loving it.
so adorable baby! happy to be here...have a nice weekend!
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