Not only did I finish, but i finished ALL 40 miles
without help from a motor vehicle. My awesome friend Joy helped me pretty much every step of they way.
Here we are giving a little love to
John Wayne. He was at the top of a VERY steep hill, so a little picture break was in order, along with a wet rag to tie around our neck. Surprisingly the first 20 miles were pretty "easy" except for the hills, but
foot wise there were no problems.

Mile 13.1 of day one. It was about lunch time and we were still going pretty strong.

The very end of day one. There was a huge line to take pictures by the official sign, so we grabbed a nice person cheering and used their sign. The last five miles of this day were terrible. My feet and ankles were throbbing and we were walking on horse
trails and busy roads. Thankfully Joy was willing to go as slow as I needed even though I am sure she just wanted to be done.

After seeing the doctor for some swollen
ankles and blisters, and sleeping in tents, we started again the next day. Mile 7 of day 2, or mile 33.2 for us. Fanny packs and pregnancy do nothing for me!! This was when the ankles started swelling and feet started hurting again.

The finish line. We were so ready to be done. It was a great experience and very emotional. It was hard, but it made me realize I can do pretty much anything with enough determination and a good
support system.
Thanks to Joy for letting me join her for the weekend and for everyone who donated. I am awed and honored.
WAY TO GO KATE! I'm so proud of you, and pregnant nonetheless! That's fantastic! You're such a great example, keep it up!
Awesome! Thanks for blogging it so you could share it with us. I think it is great that you got to do this. Too bad Chris can't try one of his marathons pregnant. You will always have that one-up on him.
Way to go! That's so awesome! And, how come I didn't know you were pregnant??? Congrats! When are you due?
I loved reading the little story. It makes me almost emotional. I guess cause I know the feeling of finally accomplishing something that you have worked for. It makes me excited for next fall! We are going to have a great time!
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