I have always thought it would be cool to do a walk for something, but never really had anyone to walk with or a great cause, but this year an opportunity presented itself to me. My friend Joy wanted someone to walk with her in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I decided to go for it, and get to spend a whole weekend with just her catching up on all the last years! I can't wait to see her again, and am very excited. Except now I have to raise at least $1,800!
I know a lot of people out there have been affected by this disease, so when you all get you tax refunds, remember me and my effort to raise money, and it is tax
deductible! Don't think you are getting off easy with this one little post, I will be doing this for almost a year, so you might as well donate now, and I will get off your case. If you need more information, PLEASE leave me a note or send an email and I will give you all the details.