Monday, June 29, 2009

Boring Life

We lead a real boring life around here. Between the heat and humidity, we try to stay cool in the water, library, movies, or bookstores. None of them seem to be a good spot for pictures, so we do with out. I did capture a few recently, so here they are in no particular order. Jed has been wanting a suit for sometime now. I have no idea why, except that he will look like daddy. I found one for him at a a KidtoKid a few weeks ago, and we tried it out on Sunday. He was so excited to wear it. The jacket was still big(and it's too hot), but he was stoked to look so grown up.

Jed watching Transformers. He is suddenly in love with them. He was concerned that Bumblebee was in danger.

Grace doing the "booty tooty dance" on the sprinkler. We set it up for the kids, but Grace was the only one who had fun with it.

Jed and Olivia did like the water balloons though. They used them faster than I could fill them. Chris was the target.

Olivia after she found some markers. She was really proud of herself. I told her to show me her teeth in this picture, Notice the bottoms are lopsided. We are still missing 5 teeth with this child.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Panama City Beach

We had an exciting week last week. Chris' mom came to visit, and the kids were ready. Grace wrote out a list of all that she wanted to do with Grandma. They varied from getting ice cream, to playing soccer, to going to the "beach on the ocean". On Saturday we went to Panama City, which is only about 1.5 hours away and spent the day on the beach. It was really hot and humid, but being on the beach with a breeze made it bearable. This was the view from our towels. The sand was super soft, almost like powdered sugar. It was great to play and walk on, but it stuck EVERYWHERE. I am still finding sand.
Olivia loved the sand. She was a little leery of the water, but she had no problem laying and rolling around in the sand. She also had no concept of towel etiquette. She would track sand anywhere she wanted to.

Grace digging in the sand. They had lots fun digging and Grace loved to go in the water. There was a sand bar a ways out, so we would put her life jacket on and take her out there, and then she could stand and jump the waves with us. So much fun.

Jed was also a little leery of the water, but once again, he loved to dig in the sand. Hours spent burying things and finding them again. Sometimes we didn't find them, but it was worth the fun.

Monday, June 8, 2009


This past weekend Chris, the kids, and I went to Georgia to work on the house. We needed to redo the deck, and so Chris took a couple days off work and we went. We stayed in our empty house and slept on air mattresses and in sleeping bags. It was a long few nights, but we survived. The kids were ready to come home, seeing as we have no television, toys, or things to do except watch Chris and I work. We did get to see some good friends and play with them, so it was alright. This is a before picture of the deck. I don't know which is worse, the color or the shabby shape it was in! Here is the same corner after. It is a pretty good size deck, about 20x12, so we had a lot of work to do,but it looks great. Now we just need a buyer!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


On Sunday we drove to Tallahassee. We didn't find what we were looking for, but we did find this cool park. It had a sidewalk all the way around and it was a fun walk to see everything.

There were these crazy looking ducks everywhere, and they were not afraid of people. We also saw a bunch of tiny fish and turtles.
We also saw a mommy duck and her babies. The kids wanted to pet them. . . We told them it wasn't a good idea!

At the start there was this helicopter from Vietnam era. It was fun to get a closer look at it.