Miss Olivia had birthday #4 on Saturday. The first thing she said when she woke up was "Today is my Birthday!" She has been asking when it will be her birthday since about Christmas. I am so thankful it finally came! She requested to wear her zebra dress. She also got a cool zebra fleece,

a camera that already has had hundreds of pictures taken and deleted. She told me "That is a great present!" Funny girl.

Some headphones to go with her new
ipod shuffle, (it's gold, which is awesome, because she is kind of a magpie when it comes to shiny things)

And of course she wanted a zebra cake. I wanted to make one that was zebra striped inside, but she said no, it had to be zebra outside, so I found some stuff called sugar sheets and was able to cut it up and make whatever design I wanted. Yes, it was edible.

Blowing out the candles. We are so lucky to have this spunky little girl in our family. She keeps us on our toes, but we also get mass amounts of cuddles and laughs!