Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!


Since there was no school on Friday, we had the chance for the first real swim of the summer. It was 90 degrees and the water was cold, but it was a good combination. All the kids had fun and were exhausted by the end of the day. Even Claire dipped her feet in the chilly water and didn't mind it.

Olivia was checking out all the gear that was available. By the end, she was a little fish in a life jacket and went wherever she wanted in the pool.
Jed was a chicken at first, but after some not so gentle persuasion, I got him to enjoy the water. We are enrolling in swim lessons this summer, so after that, no more life jackets!
Grace trying to show off. I don't think she went under again(on purpose) after this shot!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Claire is 2 months

Wow, those were both the slowest and fastest 2 months of my life. Slow perhaps because it feels like I am always a step behind, and fast because I don't remember much of them.Claire is now 2 months and is a pretty good baby. She goes to bed between 7 and 8 and usually sleeps til at least 1, usually 2. She will go back to sleep until around 5:45, at that time she like to sleep and eat in our bed.
She started smiling at 6 1/2 weeks, and would not do it in front of a camera until just yesterday, when she would smile, but put her hand in front of her mouth at the same time.
We love our little Claire bear, and are so glad she is part of our family. The kids all beg to hold her everyday and touch her as they pass her, EVERY TIME. I think she cries more to be left alone than any other reason.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


We went down to Pensacola this last weekend with some friends. We played at the beach, we to the National Air Museum and just hung out. It was a lot of fun, and the kids were great.

This was at the Air Museum. The kids were posing for a picture and being told to do different things. Here they were touching their nose.
Jed sitting in a pilot seat. There were tons of planes that were for kids to just sit and play with buttons and knobs. It was super cool.
Grace hanging out.

The crab that found it's way out of the sand under my foot. I was a little freaked.
Jed jumping of the sand cliffs.
A girl and her dad. They were getting used to the water, it was kind of freezing.
Claire loves being outside. She enjoyed the beach, the breeze was pretty strong, but she managed.