Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ballet and a Clean Kitty
We are in the middle of a kitchen remodel right now and I have a very helpful kitty named Jed who likes to vacuum. On Saturday her was helping and wouldn't vacuum without the mask over his eyes. As soon as it was turned off, he would take the mask off. It was very cute.
In the midst of this remodel, Grace started ballet today. Here she is striking a pose before we went to class. Unfortunately I am not allowed to watch her, so I have no action shots, but she is adorable in her leotard.
This is the shot of our kitchen as it is now. Chris had to leave for Dothan on Tuesday, so I was the "lucky" one who got to finish drywalling, and mudding, and taping, and sanding, and cleaning, and cooking and...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Jed's Party
Well, here they finally are, sideways and everything! Jed had his first birthday party on the 16th and as you can tell it was a pirate theme. We had the kids walk the plank in order to get their pirate bandanna, sword, eye patch and hook. I thought it was not going to be a big hit, but it was the best thing about the party, all the kids loved it!

We had a treasure hunt and just let them played before we had cake. It was really fun and I am really glad it is over!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Well, sorry no pictures or info on Jed's party, yet. Our computer crashed and we have been without one for over a week, but now we are back in business, so hopefully soon I will be able to post all things exciting about the pirate bash, and I guess everything else that is new.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Dothan, AL
So, the exciting news of this week is Chris got a job promotion and we will be moving to Dothan, Alabama in the very near future. It is southern Alabama, about 2 hours from Panama City, Florida. He will most likely have to be there in less than two weeks, but the kids and I will stay here for a while until he is no longer working 15 hour days, plus we have a little work to do before we sell the house. We are very excited. It is a GREAT opportunity for someone who has been with the company for only 2 years. As you can tell, I am very proud of him.
In other news, Grace had her first day of school yesterday and loved every minute of it. Jed was a little out of sorts for a while, and even asked "What am I supposed to do without her?" I asked him if he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch, he said no, he wanted a "boy cheese sandwich".
Friday, August 8, 2008
A fun little tag from my sister
The Five
Ten years ago.....
1. I was about to start my senior year of high school.
2. I was working full time for the summer at Party Town.
3. I loved the band Creed and was so excited they were at Summerfest
4. I was staying up past 10 and had no problem staying awake!
5. I planned on being a radio DJ
Five Things on today's "to do" list
1. Take Grace to her first day of school!!!!
2. Clean the kid's bathroom
3. Pick up a present for Jed's birthday
4. Pick up Grace!!!
5. a load of laundry
Five snacks I enjoy....
1. trail mix
2. fruit
3. snickers
4. a glass of chocolate milk
5. chips and salsa
Five things I would do if I were a Millionaire....
1. travel
2. buy my dream house near my sisters, but not in Alaska!!!
3. hire a maid, but I will still cook dinner if she looks after the kids!
4. have a small production company, just for fun!
5. invest
Five places I have lived.....
1. Commerce, GA
2. Oconomowoc, WI
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Utah
5. Soon to be in Dothan, AL!!!
I tag Cecily and Stephanie!!! Be sure to do it!
I tag Cecily and Stephanie!!! Be sure to do it!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The other day Chris was trying to teach the kids how to cross their eyes, mainly because he thinks it is hilarious. It is his all time favorite when someone can have one crossed and the other looking at you. He was putting his finger between their eyes and having them look at it and all sorts of different tactics, when out of nowhere Jed does it on his own. And then Jed pulls the granddaddy of all talents and crosses one and leaves the other looking at us. Of course Chris thought is was great, so now Jed does it any old time he wants, but mostly when he doesn't want to eat, or is bored sitting at the table. I must admit, that he ends up not finishing his meal most of the time.
This isn't the best picture, but it is still amazing for a little boy!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The End of Summer
So ends another summer, which seemed like a long one, but now that it is over, I don't know where the time went! We went to the open house last night for Grace's school and met her teacher and learned everything we didn't. Grace came home VERY excited and can't wait for her first day. I can't believe how big she is getting.
Jed will be 3 in less than a week! He is getting bigger and smarter everyday. More attitude everyday too. He is big into Star Wars right now, and for some reason, any shirt with a stripe on it is a Star Wars shirt. As you can see, he is wearing one in the picture. I took it right after he said "I love Star Wars!"
Olivia is getting bigger and smarter everyday too. She thinks she is big enough to stand alone for a few seconds at a time. She especially loves to do this while playing on the couch, so the fall is that much more fun.
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