Monday, February 15, 2010

Blizzard 2010

We have dug ourselves out and are back to normal. It was a pretty exciting Friday. The kids didn't have school so we had lunch with dad (we braved the roads!) and played in the snow. Here is our lawn before the madness began. During the "storm". The kids were more excited for snow than for Christmas. They loved to watch if fall and would get really excited when it started coming down hard.
A glance at our accumulation. This tiny snow cancelled schools, colleges, state offices, and closed roads. I guess when it only snows every 15 years...
Olivia thought it best to use her time in the snow playing T-ball.
Grace and Jed spent their time throwing snowballs and running from each other. Good good fun.
We now are snow free and had wonderful weather yesterday. It was fun to have snow for a day, but I realized I don't really miss it that much.

1 comment:

SueAnn said...

That's my kind of snow fall, long enough to enjoy it, but it melts and the weather is nice the next day!!